Photobiomodulation Bed Testimonials
ARRC LED Testimonials - Beyond Red Light TherapyOur Testimonials
Note: Always consult with a medical doctor for advice before using photobiomodulation to treat any condition.
ARRC LED is an FDA registered Photobiomodulation (PBM) device manufacturer. The summary of research listed on the NIH’s Pubmed website.
The ARRC LED Testimonials
The testimonials below represent actual testimonials from owners of ARRC LED systems and users with various conditions. This testimonials are not claims made by ARRC LED, and benefits may vary from person to person and condition. ARRC LED makes no claims as to the effects other than a mechanism to relieve minor aches and pains.
Below are general classifications of benefits that researchers have studied and identified.
Performance and Recovery, World Leaders Choose ARRC LED, Wellness, Pain Relief, Cognition, Aesthetics, Preconditioning, Healthy Aging, About ARRC LED
Performance and Recovery
Performance benefit studies have shown that athletes are stronger (increased single rep max), faster (increased reps in a given time period), have more endurance (increased reps prior to failure) after treatments and are better protected during competition against injury and mechanical damage (preconditioning) that might occur during intense training thus shortening recovery time.
“On these full-body beds, I massively recommend ARRC LED, They are doing things no other company is doing”
Dr. Joshua Hagen
Director of Technological Innovation Rockefeller Institute -
“The ARRC LED is the real deal. Athletes are going stronger and faster and people are getting healthier”
Bill Hanks
Cryo Recovery -
“You need to use this bed. You need to use it! I tore up my shoulder and six months ago I couldn’t lift my hand above my head. I am pressing 400 pounds right now in over head press.”
Huemn (Client)
“I wasn’t even training my legs and I just did 3 reps in the squat at my personal best”
Bill Hanks
“My client just bench pressed 35 pounds more than he has ever lifted after using your bed”
Ryan Weeks
“The football players lover your bed, they definitely noticed the increase in intensity over their NovoTHOR bed ($120k Competitor)”
Mike Joseph
Strength Coach - West VA Mountaineers -
“My clients are skipping my two NovoTHOR beds and waiting in line to get in the (ARRC LED) ATP system”
Josh Crawford
Genoa Laser

The World Champion Philadelphia Eagles Use ARRC LED

The World Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers use ARRC LED

The United States Military uses ARRC LED
3 World Leaders Choose ARRC LED for their personal use and their families
“Mike I wanted to tell you about my son. He is playing football and he broke and tore ligaments in his ankle. He had pins placed in it after surgery to try and repair it. The doctor in a follow-up visit told me that he was amazed. He said where is the swelling that is normally associated with this kind of injury? He should not be this far along.”
Ronald Ron
(referred MV above) -
“As an entrepreneur, I used to begin hitting the wall about 2:00PM. I now get into an ARRC and it restarts my day. It’s like starting fresh and hundreds of our clients feel the same. It acclerates recovery.”
John Allen Mollenhauer
Regenus Center
“With Cryotherapy my clients feel better fast, with the ARRC LED, they get better”
Charles Smith
Chill Zone Cryo -
“First testimonial on your machine. We have an 82 yr old man in a wheelchair on Oxygen. He is diabetic with Blood Sugar in the high 300 range. After two sessions in the ARRC LED bed – his blood sugar dropped to 129. After 4 sessions his blood sugar dropped to 107. Dr took him off of meds.”
Charles Smith
“We are seeing incredible results across the board. My clients for pain, diabetes and blood pressure on average have reduced their reliance on meds by 50%.”
Kellie Advantage Therapies
“I own NovoTHOR, and Aspen and they didn’t really work for me. I went to one of your centers in Austin and used the bed 20 times. Your bed works. I am tossing Aspen and putting my NovoThor in the garage.”
NEW ATP RF Testimonial: “We have a client with kidney issues and she has been using your bed for months now, but not regularly. She did one Superset for Kidney and bladder and saw immediate improvement. She comes in 2 times a week regularly now.”
Pain Relief
Research has shown that the pain relief benefits can be both immediate and improve over time. Often joint damage, wounds, nerve pain and musculoskeletal pain is quickly reduced while accelerating root cause healing for the long term.
“Edge saved my life Michael, I’m So, So happy. No diabetes med., my eyes are in great shape, no HBO meds. At 69 I feel amazing. Just got my 20 th Poly tx on Saturday!”
Ana Pesce
“We did 850 sessions in August. My pain clients have generally reduced their pain meds by 50% as a group.”
Kellie Advantage Therapies
“I have been using your bed for 6 weeks now. I am getting range of motion and able to move my legs on a treadmill again. My gabapentin use is down 75%. I hope to get off of it completely.”
Quadrapalegic -
“Oh my god, I knew this bed was powerful so I started them off at 3 minutes – and they are feeling better in 1 3 minute session.”
Mark Rise
Muscle Restoration Therapies -
If this works, I will know it because I can snap my fingers. (Joe Eng 62 yr old electrician with arthritis). Joe got out of the bed ” Oh my god it works, oh my god it works” – Joe was snapping his fingers after his first session in the ATP prototype.
Joe Eng
“I was watching TV in my hotel room and looked down and I noticed my ankle was crossed over my knee.” “I can’t do that – I have had two knee surgeries.”
Joe Eng
“I have foot and knee injuries from football 40 years ago. If I do not do the bed I walk with pain and a limp. When I do Peak 8 running stairs at the end of my session if I did not precondition with light before the workout – I limp home. When I do precondition – at the end of my workout, I am looking for the next phase of training.”
Mike McIntyre
“I have arthritis in my hip that got really bad from pickleball. It’s gone after using the bed.”
Kevin Booth
Cryo Recovery -
“I looked down and noticed I had been walking on heels all day long, I can’t do that because of planter fasciitis.”
“we have a Marine who has had chronic migraines and nothing worked. The only change he made was the bed and they are gone.”
Dr. Joshua Hagen
Cognitive benefits: Research have shown that Near Infrared light can improve and restore brain function in cases of TBI, CTE, Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Mother came into his center “My son is a changed man. He used to have depression and brain fog from concussions from football. After 3 sessions he is happy and smiling again.” Mother of high school athlete who came in for a pulled hamstring.
Charles Smith
ChillZone -
“I have PTSD and I normally don’t sleep. I have to eat lunch in a safe place. After 3 sessions in the bed I feel better, I am sleeping and not having the fear issues.”
Front Desk Person at Riviera Fitness
Former Vet with PTSD -
“I have been asked to speak to our college SoCarolina State football coaches about all the benefits we are getting for concussive trauma with the light bed. Every body should do this!”
Kellie Advantage Therapy
Research suggests a 138 – 211% increase in collagen and a German study in 2008 suggested PBMt’s biggest benefit is tightening of the elastin layer. Green light seems to be beneficial for dermal wound healing, as well as hyperpigmentation, acne, MRSA and similar surface issues. ARRC LED is the first to use green based on experiences dating back to 2007.
Shingles client 3 treatments in 4 days Green/IR - Steve B
"My client said crying her hair hurt so bad she - she couldn\'t sleep at night" - John C (Client with Shingles)

"Steve, this is the first time in years that I have been able to feel the difference between a wood floor and a carpet." - Neuropathy client after firrst GREEN IR session
"82 year old's blood sugar dropped from 400 to 107 in 4 sessions (Dr. stopped insulin)" - Charles S
“My skin has never looked better”
Jana Hunter
and many others -
“… the women are loving this as their hair is getting thicker”. And “My eyelashes are getting longer like when I was in High school.” Frequent comments.
Charles Smith
Chillzone Cryo -
“we had a 30 year old with adult acne over her body that was never able to get rid of it. After the light bed it is now gone. I am sleeping better and my allergies are gone, your bed works.”
Research suggests that light therapy administered prior to invasive interventions like surgery, or as a prelude to athletic competition can precondition the body to respond better to that intervention accelerating recovery time and improving outcomes.
“I used to limp around for the rest of the day after Peak 8 on the stairs. When I precondition with the ATP, I look for the next workout and the pain in my knee and foot from a 40-year-old injury is gone. 3 sessions and I stop walking with a limp.“ M Mac ‘I wasn’t even training and I hit my personal best on the bench the first day I tried.”
B. Hanks
Healthy Aging
At the heart of aging, the theory is the dysfunction of the cell’s energy centers, the mitochondria. Companies are investing heavily into finding a compound that might be taken to slow, halt or reverse mitochondrial dysfunction with the end goal of being able to market a drug that can slow the aging process.
“Mike, are you familiar with Phase Angle? “Yes sir…” My brother is measuring phase angle after he gets out of the light bed. It increases every time.” Dr. Penny and his brother are now testing the cumulative increases to determine how permanent the shifts are.
Dr. Penny
Speaking to Strength Coaches at Performance 4 “I Massively recommend ARRC LED. They are doing things with their bed that no one else is doing.”
Dr. Joshua Hagen
Director of Innovation Research at Rockefeller Institute -
ARRC LED is the best of the Bunch
Mr. Mark Stephenson
Dir Player Dev Detroit Lions -
“If you guys can prove resonance works with PBMt, you’ll change medicine.”
Dr. Sean Penny
Dubai -
“I recommend ARRC LED. They are a small company, but smart”
John Molenhouer
ARRC LED is the real deal. My athletes are going stronger and my clients are getting better.
Bill Hanks
“With Cryotherapy my clients feel better fast. With the ARRC LED, they get better.”
Charles Smith
“They are very progressive and what they are doing will change medicine.” “I have the most profitable iCryo franchise and your bed is my biggest revenue generator.”
Bob Lemon
iCryo Owner, Port St Lucie, FL -
“ARRC LED has been a gamechanger for our business”
Meco Choates
Tree of Light after a repair… “I appreciate everything you’ve done, one of the best customer services I’ve yet to experience. Usually it’s a nightmare. I commend you.”
Dona Parker